HugeHash LTD Huge Profit or Huge Scam ? - HUGE SCAM

HUGE SCAM is another typical Russian Ponzi scheme with the same boring Crypto Mining Scenario.
But there's some matters to discuss in the concept although i don't think they would care anyway..
For one they say there's Cloud Mining involved in the other hand they offer fixed rates, well of course that's not a serious issue since we all know it's a scheme.
I just found it b faith but i have a feeling that i know the admin from somewhere, i mean another project.
However, i'm willing to try this for 15 to 20 days and see what happens, i'm saying this because you can release your deposit after 48 Hours (Fees Included).
They use AJAX $_POST to their own api. BTW they have also CSRF security in forms "CSRF shield" as you can see. and they validate their forms)
My own investment was 0.0136 BTC which was equal to 4.25 MHs..
However, the bad news is the minimum Withdrawal is 0.001, m earning is equal to 0.0003 so it takes me 4 days to withdraw from this dump.
The other bad news is they don't give you a fixed rate for your referrals instead, the give you MHs i know this sucks.
Just wish it turns out to pay for at least 2 months because i want to see good resaults


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