Another Piggy Hourly Program added to my Watch: GenesisGate - NOT PAYING
NOT PAYING is another piggy hourly payin program which started @ 29 Sep 2016 the date i entered was 02 Oct 2016 with my own personal spending which was 0.01 BTC. the way i'm looking at this program is either paying for 14 days or it climbs up all the way to 30 or 60 days. Registrations are Instant just like BitFinest which ave me 100% Profit over a month and also it gives 10,000 Satoshi (a few cents ) for reward on your Deposit:
I Took a chance and deposited 0.01 BTC and see how it goes, the withdrawals are Instant and the interest rates are:
The design is understandable, nice color matches, also they made an startup presentation how nice of them to do that.
one thing which was drove me insane was that they built in a 2FA Security meassure, i mean, whaaat ? a 2FA for a ahort term HYIP what's that suppose to do ? and what the different it would make ?
5% Affiliate Program sims too high, but, well, let see how it goes.
also there's no Company Certificate however, it won't matter it's just a HYIP and no moneyback guarantee, hope it would work at least for a month but let see.
First Payment Received