
Showing posts from 2016 Money Works For Us - NOT PAYING

  NOT PAYING Really ? can we trust our money into Cloud Mining these days ? maybe but most say no, and i don't agree or disagree with either one, i mind my own business. For various reasons people like or don't like any Investment on whatever they see and they have the right, the project itself Started at 22 November 2016. Value for renting Gh/s starts from $10 which is 63 Gh/s to upto 325000 Gh/s per user. There's also an Interest Calculator in the main page for customers to preview their interests per day month and week. I personally heard the good of the project from my own sources that i hope it would be as great as it looks. Everything was looking good and responsive while i was working with page and the API, they also have graphical graph for the performance and income which i don't care to be honest. Also there's a mining software for your own Mining Rig in there which i honestly haven't tested it yet but if anyone can, please share th...

RightRise or RightFall ? Which One ? --------NOT PAYING

  NOT PAYING RightRise is a HYIP With the same Phenomenon of Profiting from Dividend Shares which is not a new, what to say, not a new concept for a High Yield Program. As the time of this writing the program is running for 6 days which is a newborn program. ow and we are near the Halloween season. The Program comes with 1 Floating Plan which means the interest payment will change everyday depend on what admin decides Up To 3%. I said "Up To" well, unfortunately i kinda never seen it goes higher 1.75% which is a matter i do not care. The only thing i care on a High Yield Investment Program is that i want to get paid every day, or week depending on the plan and minimum payout, that's what i care. The look and design feels nice you can access and be aware of all the info you need to know right from your "Overview" (Dashboard) section  Things like Total Profit, Daily Interest, your Investments or amount of shares and of course a nice Floating Chart ... - A Long Term Proggram or a Piggy Bank ? - NOT PAYING

  NOT PAYING , appeared recently claiming to be a good program from some sources. the day i'm writing this it's running for 9 Days. Template and design is nothing special, i's just a HYIP program with a different concept (which is partially copied from Cyclix Program which is sorta the same concept).  To be noted that i invested from my personal savings but there's told to be a $150 Guarantee for money back. There's only one plan comes with the program and that is 2% daily Lifetime, i mean, let's not kid ourselves, Lifetime means either a Month or they would go far through 3 to 6 month if we are lucky enough to see that day would come. They have several Online Payment Processors such as PM ADVCash Payeer and of course the Bitcoin which is every HYIP admin's favorite. The deposit process is just like every other HYIP for bitcoin they're using CoinPayment's API for sending and receiving money and it ranked 4 as a...

Another Piggy Hourly Program added to my Watch: GenesisGate - NOT PAYING

  NOT PAYING is another piggy hourly payin program which started @ 29 Sep 2016 the date i entered was 02 Oct 2016 with my own personal spending which was 0.01 BTC. the way i'm looking at this program is either paying for 14 days or it climbs up all the way to 30 or 60 days. Registrations are Instant just like BitFinest which ave me 100% Profit over a month and also it gives 10,000 Satoshi (a few cents ) for reward on your Deposit: I Took a chance and deposited 0.01 BTC and see how it goes, the withdrawals are Instant and the interest rates are: The design is  understandable, nice color matches,  also they made an startup presentation how nice of them to do that.  one thing which was drove me insane was that they built in a 2FA Security meassure, i mean, whaaat ? a 2FA for a ahort term HYIP what's that suppose to do ? and what the different it would make ? 5% Affiliate Program sims too high, but, well, let see how it goes. al...

GoldAlgor - Forex Investment Made Easy -------- NOT PAYING

NOT PAYING Hello guys! Today we have a review about program called Gold Algor , which I have added recently to Personal Listing. Money Back Guarantee is not available and RefBack is set to 300%. The project started at 10 Aug 2016, current lifetime of the project is 37 Days and attracted good amount of investors during this time. The good thing is that admin is not using typical promotion. I can see only few monitors to have listed this project. First of all I would like to mentoi that the admin of this project is the same as ProfitlAlgor (currently running for 30 days) and the other project IntAlgor which brought almost 180 days of lifetime. The overall look is just like a program should be. Colors are match perfectly and the combination is in my opinion good enough to attract people. Not a fancy design, but we're not here to talk about our feels. We're all here just want to gain a profit, that’s all. I've seen fancy looking HYIPs which were gone with...


------------------------- OCT 01 2016: NOT PAYING  -------------------------  Rev Coin THE NEW ERA IN CRYPTOCURRENCY   I Want to introduce you to the next Revolution at Investment and Trading Platform. RevCoin is the new wave of Altcoin which have a bright future and will give you the best Investment opportunities you would ever see. It have 3 options to Invest and Earn: Download the company's Certificate in here UK LTD BASED COMPANY REG NO. 10183108 Option 1: You would invest on the Platform itself which Gives you  common fixed Interest Rates to your Initial Deposit: Upto 3.5% Fixed Interest over your Initial Deposit which you can Withdraw at any time minimum $1. Invest from $10 to Whatever amount you wish to invest. Option 2: Mine and store RevCoin-qt, store, and sell it for a profit. here's the tutorial on how to Mine this Altcoin: You can download the wallet at the Main page of the website. Option 3: Buy the...

Bitfinest The Finest Out There ---- NOT PAYING

THE FINEST OUT THERE NOT PAYING  Hello and welcome to another of my reviews, this Lucrative Project is called Bitfinest, the Finest that can be found out there. The Project started 1 days ago at the time of this writing. Here's a brief introduction of the Company and it's Provided services: First let's discuss the company's clarification about what it do and the legal documents: Recognized as a leader Forefront of the Bitcoin industry As a company that strives to stay in the forefront of the Bitcoin industry, we are active in the Bitcoin mining market. As a result, we can offer our numerous clients good investment opportunities. Our continuous use of advanced infrastructure and automated payment processing has enabled us to find ways to offer more to our clients. BitFinest offers an investment platform for Bitcoin mining in such a way to prevent any form of loss to our investors. We are a reliable and trustworthy Bitcoin mining company...